A Soap Opera on "Sex" (CECS) (continued) | Second Mid-West Convention

entology". You seem to have changed it to the Ex-communication Center of Dianetics and Scientology". Is that right?

KB -- Yes.

AH -- Look, Ken, you can't muster up a big enough army to take my certificates off my wall, nor to keep me from using Scientology. I paid for it, and even the CECS can't take away a man's knowledge.

KB -- You're not going to use Scientology.

AH -- And as for the certificates, I didn't get them from the CECS, and they're not going to take them away.

KB -- You're not going to use Scientology.

AH -- You can't make your ex-communication retroactive. If you want to invalidate your certificates, the only course open would be to nullify them all, get up a new set, and then, as each student came in, have an understanding they would get their certificates only on a rental basis -- to be held only as long as they paid their rent.

KB -- They're like a driving license; good only as long as you make good use of them.

AH -- Aren't you ashamed of yourself, sitting there getting all red in the face and being embarrassed because you have to act like a heel?

KB -- I'm not embarrassed. That's sunburn.

AH -- As cold and dusty as it is? Anyway, I'm not going to let anyone tell me I can't have what I paid for, except Ron. I want to see Ron.

KB -- You can't see Ron.

AH -- Why?

KB -- He's busy. And I'm not going to let you.

AH -- Oh, it's Dr. Barrier now? Why don't you hyphenate that, and put Dr. Barrier-Barnett together and run them along the wall just below the ceiling, and run it out?

KB -- (Turning to one of the girls). I have a new name.

AH -- I suppose I can quote you on all this?

KB -- You will anyway.

Dr. Barrett being a busy man and you being a busy reader, we eventually made our exit.

For more significant conversation, we suggest you turn to the interview with the minister who insisted Heaven was up -- and up, as everyone knows, is toward the North Pole.

Second Mid-west Convention to Be Held in Enid Feb 12-13

(This started on Page 1.)

the first one held in November which had an attendance of 25 persons from three states, will be held in the East Lounge of the Youngblood Hotel. Reservations may be made by writing Agnes Hart, secretary, at 207 N. Washington, Enid.

Registration fee for the conference will be $1.25, only enough to cover estimated cost. Sunday's luncheon will be held in the Don Paul Cafeteria, with each person selecting his own food and paying his own check.


Saturday, February 12

1 p.m. -- Registration in the East Lounge of Hotel

1:30 -- Group Integration and Processing by Norman Fritz,

2:30 -- Group Processing by Others.

4:30 -- Dinner Break

7:00 -- Individual Processing with Teams to Be Arranged.

Sunday, February 13

10:00 -- Group Services, by Rev. Alphia Hart, D.Scn.

10:30 -- Luncheon in Don Paul Cafeteria.

1:00 -- Reports on Phoenix Congress, and Open Discussion.

2:00 -- Forum -- What Do YOU Want Out of Scientology? What Results
Have You Observed? or Heard of?

3:00 -- Short Group Processing session.


Activities will be arranged to suit for those arriving earlier Saturday, or able to stay later Sunday. Data and processing tapes will be available.

Several persons, after hearing of the success of the first conference, announced their intention to attend the next one, so it is not unlikely that attendance can be doubled.

One thing the conference idea has proved, according to Fritz, is that flagging interest can be re-aroused by meeting others with similar goals and an integration of ideas. Especially is this so for persons who are forced to stumble along in communities where there is little or no other interest in Scientology.

"The WAD", shot from the gun of Curtis Dean Janke, Sheboygan, Wis., is a one-time (he says) invasion into the field of literature that could stand repetition. In its 18 mimeographed pages, Dean seems to have opened the gates of inhibition, and has stripped Dianetics, music, mimeographing, and sex of all seven serious veils, leaving them naked and snickering.

In his inimitable way, and using only characters that can be found on any standard typewriter, he tries to picture women in four categories:

1 1 1 1 (the Dior type).

? ? ? ? (robust type).

(*) (*) (movie star with an *).

_ _ _ _ (bhar maide with a few bheers).

And on almost every page, Curtis speaks of his "advanced age" -- a ruse, no doubt, to cover up his diaperish moods.

Janke says there'll be no more "WADs", and that he sent the "magazine" only to his dearest friends, but the publishing fraternity should not permit itself to be lulled into false security. Dean's talent for humor makes him a natural for an encore.