Blooms & Barbs (continued) | Road Show Stops in Enid for Nose Count
his way to Phoenix where he'll add the HASI's Doctorate Course to his bank of knowledge... Martha Courtis, winding up the summer at her Montana ranch before going back to Ann Arbor, Mich., sent us a birthday-Christmas-Easter-Fourth of July-Labor Day-Thanksgiving greeting from Yellowstone. What? No Father's Day?... Because of a paid advertisement in the September ABERREE, a Florida correspondent warns us we face classification as "a squirrel". Well, all the squirrels we've known have been animals that keep nuts from rotting where they fall.
According to DIANOTES, Eph and Joyce Howard have moved to Indianapolis, Ind., from Tullahoma, Tenn.; Russ Haggard has taken over A. E. Kitselman's Institute of Integration in Los Angeles; Ted Robles, Jr. is doing chemical research for Uncle Sam in North Africa; and John Farrell has abandoned the Road Show to settle in Phoenix. In regards to this latter item, Phoenix didn't keep John very long, and we understand he's back in California, although not at the same old stand...Will Roth warns his readers that if their next issue of The FLITTER hasn't the squared columns and neatness of previous issues, don't throw any bricks at him. He's no longer pecking the careful typewriter FLITTERwise... Adele Mazurek reports that two of their students, Millie and Leonard Becker, were married August 2, and the school feted them with a party the following day. Two other students, Hazel Winters and John Minnis, took the marital vows on September 4, with Roman Mazurek as best man....The Purcells -- Don & Margaret -- are at home in Wichita again after a six-week vacation at Gull Lake near Brainerd, Minn., fishing (says Margaret) and thinking (says Don). George Seidler, who gave us his El Cerrito school when the HASI altered its training program, is moving to Peoria, Ill., where he'11 manage his father's magazine distribution agency... Joyce Barrett of San Francisco is displaying a bust she sculptured of LRH. Evidently the subject liked the facsimile, because she even has photographs he made of it.
Road Show Stops in Enid for Nose Count
Puffing into town in a car so loaded with people and luggage that it might have been taken for the Joad car in "Grapes of Wrath" -- except for the fact you can't get a mattress on top of an open convertible -- the Scientology Road Show came to Enid September 1, unheralded and unsung.
Fresh, they reported, from a series of very successful appearances in such whistle stops as Houston, Dallas, and Monahans, Tex. Ahead of them were more whistle stops: Wichita, St. Louis, Chicago -- and finally Broadway before they embark on the briny for the wide open spaces of Europe.
No show was given in Enid. This was merely a rest stop, where they could get away from the footlights and the cheering multitudes for an evening. Not even Scientology was discussed after the first six hours of their six-hour stay. And it gave the troupe a chance to get together and count noses for the first time since leaving Phoenix. Usually, after a show, one or more members is left behind in a town to take care of what cash customers might be flushed and/or flush.
Their audience of one -- Earl Cunard of Crescent, Okla. -- joined the troupe for the evening's festivities. Norbert Hosey of Weir, Kas., who'd come to Enid especially for the show, was a day too early and had gone to Wichita, hoping to catch it there Thursday night.
Members of the troupe are Ted and Tam Otteson, Margaret Scholtz, Lee Burgess, and Charles Mackay. Charles, only recently arrived from Melbourne, Australia, is the replacement for John Farrell, who replaced Jack Horner.
The show is slated to end its U. S. tour in Washington, D.C., on October 15.
What's happening in Phoenix? John Bloomquist writes a full report on his recent visit -- in the November ABERREE.
CONFUCIUS SAY: "People 'shot from guns' take long time to die."