Over the Editor's Shoulder (continued)

symbol, even though it sounds mighty and significant....

Monica Macomber, HDA & B.Scn., has turned her back on Scientology for an intensive run in Judo. Recently awarded a "brown belt", she spends her one free evening a week bemoaning the fact she has only 11 evenings a week left for mat activities .... The Dale Mallecks, of Denver, report the Ron (of the Ron and Jon twins) spends his non-nursing time posing as a lecturer, while Jon sits by heckling. They sent pictures to prove it .... Nine of the Fourth Clinical Unit that fouled up by playing hookey from classes would have been publicized in this column except for one thing: several of them were in good standing on our subscription list! Any future foulers-upper take warning....

Some of our strongest supporters are the Petersens--George and Helen. They're paid up for 10 years. What optimists! .... We warned Volney Mathison that the primary goal of The ABERREE was to step on toes--no matter how sore or delicate--and he writes: "Yeah, I know some hot stories about VGM, too! Such as indirectly implying to a (CENSORED). Or you can tell about building Ron's FAC 1 machine and getting the lab so damn hot with radioactivity I dumped the whole thing out; 6 months later one morning I was out of shaving cream in the house; recalled I had a tube out in the lab, went and got it and smeared it on my face; when I tried to shave I got a sensation of playing with lightning bolts, the damn shaving cream was radioactive and I wound up with radioactive whiskers; had a hell a of a time shaving for a month; every shave with a steel blade was like looking into a tropical lightning storm." Thanks, Volney, but that isn't the toe we were going to step on. We're aiming for the one with the big corn....Joe Walllace has abandoned the making of 2-meters for a job in the electronics "lab" at Motorola in Phnx. However, he says that if someone twisted his arm, and didn't tear his brilliant new shirt in the process....

A. E. and Mayne Van Vogt, on a recent stop in The ABERREE office, reported a preclear Van was running on Acceptance Level Processing came up with this philosophy: "Maybe you can change my attitude toward people, but how are you going to change all those people out there?" ... From Phoenix comes the report that one of Ross Lamoreaux's preclears almost hopelessly tied up traffic at a busy intersection for 15 minutes by getting a certainty on BEing a traffic cop.... "Wing" and "Smoky" Angell--probably the most-traveled couple in Scientology--are, at last reports, operating in the Houston area....

John Galusha, after helping move part of the H.A.S. staff to Phoenix, has returned to auditing practice in Camden, N.J.... (Three weeks later)--'Cuddles' Galusha has given up his auditing practice in Camden and is returning to Phoenix, according to part of the H. A. S. staff....Jim Pinkham is reported to have come out second best when he let his motorcycle involve him in a sidewiping joust with a Phoenix motorist.....Memo to Hardin Walsh: For a busy editor, we find 100 hours enough to spend trying to identify the characters on the cover of your book, "Line Charge". Had you supplied a code, you would have saved us time and eliminated a dozen or more arguments from persons who had the audacity to disagree with us.

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