Over The Editor's Shoulder
"All I can say about your sheet is 'Look, don't think!' Just look at it--and don't think about what's going to happen to it! Check enclosed."--Volney Mathison, Los Angeles.
"The thing I like most about it is that it seems to serve no purpose whatsoever."---Carl Jardine, New York, N. Y.
"I was thrilled to death to see Alphia back in print again! By all means, please send me the 'Aberree'. What an artist you must have on your staff! The likeness was astounding!"--Jean S., Phoenix.
"It was such a relief not to be promised a key to the universe for our $$$s that I'm sending this $2 check to you airmail. Even if I never see another copy, that warning on Page 2 was worth it--but I hope I do. We need something to get our heads out of the clouds." L.T., Dallas.
" ... Last evening I read some of the Aberree and some of your letter to a few after the meeting and we all agree that you have hit the button, and now let's get going." --Dr. J. Burton Farber, Glendale, Calif.
"So you don't care whether anyone wants to subscribe to or read your magazine? I can't think of a better attitude for pulling a success out of the Scientologists. They are a contrary bunch. I should know, I'm one of them. Enclosed check for four subscriptions".-- Bill Young, Washington, D. C.
"Good luck!-- Richard deMille, Los Angeles.
"The check is for 'The Aberree'. I've made it for $1.69 in case you celebrate getting home and go up on the price again! ... The 'Me too' attitude can be very cloying to me and you should let a nice lot of fresh air into the set-up. I'm waiting eagerly for it ... "--Elizabeth Gillies, Maitland, Fla.
"I like your attitude, 'Read it and be damned or don't read it and be damned--I don't give a damn.' Nobody but a resisting five would come out quite so free."--Irving W. Smith, Niagara, Wis.
"Ha-Ha-Ha --- so my sides are splitting already. Here's a check in case you are fixing to do it some more."--Curtis Janke, Sheboygan, Wis.
"Please remit." (This letter got in by error.)
"I just saw a copy the other day and I think it is compiled very well. What will be the subscription cost?"--- Cyrus Lerner, New York, N.Y.
"If you're trying to be funny, that corny stuff went out with Whiz Band."--E.B., Detroit, Mich.
"I have heard about (but not seen yet) your new publication, The ABERREE. Please put me on your mailing list. Congratulations on your decision to write for Scientology again. I used to enjoy your articles in the Journal of Scn. when you were editor."--Laurence 0. Andersen, Los Angeles.
"Keep me on your mailing list. Your first issue was O.K. Keep it up."--Louis Scherb, Chicago, Ill.
(To be continued next issue!!!!)