Plowing Up The Field
On our way to Enid, the Ed. & Pub. were guests of Ray and Marie Scharpen in their new Albuquerque home. Joined by Lee Lockhart and Charles Grube, the new techniques were aired and the airing taped. Those who think the Ed. and his green eyeshade inseparable may not believe this, but the eyeshade got left behind in Albuquerque. And it was his favorite, too....Clem and Duch Johnson have taken up residence in Phoenix, midway between Ross Lamoreaux's and Ron Hubbard's. Clem, still recovering from the seats of the Clinical school, will trade a dozen grapefruit from own grove for every preclear brought, sent, or shipped to his auditing room....A recent visitor to Phoenix: Kenneth Postel, of the Detroit Postels. He stayed only over-night, just long enough for a quick "Hello" and a report that Detroit gestapo still has all the loot from their last spring's invasion....
Carl and LaVerne Jardine, after a year in New York's Greenwich Village, shortly will abandon the filth and the vegetable carts for the West. San Diego, probably. That was home before they got sucked into the maelstrom of the big city .... John L. Robinson thinks that about 15 June, he'll be heading toward Colorado where he has mocked up the nucleus of a self-supporting colony. Here, he says, each will have a chance to use his talents--unless those talents are limited to sitting around and contemplating his navel, or being so self-determined he's a drag on the one's willing to co-operate...Dick Steves, after completing the Third Clinical Course, accepted assignment as major domo over the HAS "Bargain Basement" refresher set-up....Paul Ishmael has nearly completed his degree in physics at the University of Oklahoma, and eyes a location in the California desert as a physicist ....
There's a June conference scheduled for Dianeticists and Scientologists, according to a recent announcement from the Hubbard Association of Scientologists. It'll be held in the Little Theater in Phoenix on June 5 to 9, inclusive. It'll be called the "Universe Processes Congress--and probably will teach delegates how to get rid of all universes--including the MEST--except their own. Reservations sent in now, in case the MEST Universe should disappear before June, will be cancelled, and a11 monies refunded .... Millen Belknap and Carol Hedley have announced the formation of a new organization, to be known as the 'Antidisestablishmentaeianisticalitarianism Unit". Anyone who can pronounce the name or add to it is welcome. Purpose: To discover why anyone would waste so much time trying to give beingness to such a
We Don't Guarantee Nothing
But when you smell the orange blossoms, and feel the great open spaces around you, it doesn't take a million hours of processing to get results. Almost any kind of Training or Processing Combination you can mock up. Write for Bulletin PLQ. It's new! It may prove to be the most important 3-cent stamp you ever licked. |
R. Ross Lamoreaux, Director
4248 W. 32nd St. Phoenix, Ariz.