Volume 12, Issue 1, page 2

* This month's "Hart to
Heart" will be all "Hart" because it is being written by
Ye Pub. in the absence of Ye
Ed. who wants everyone to know
he is "taking it easy" in a
Veterans Hospital at Sulphur,
Okla. That's his way of saying
he is recuperating from a
stroke and trying, thru physical therapy, to regain the use
of his paralyzed left side.

* In further explanation, I
will go back to Feb. 15, just
after ABERREE mailing time.
That day, Alphia went to our
downtown office and ran the
mimeo machine a couple hours,
then, as was his custom, returned to what we call "The
ABERREE office", where he
planned to spend the rest of
the day in offset printing activities, or perhaps thinking
about the next issue of the

* On arrival, he first sat
down to go thru his mail, when
suddenly he had a strange and
frightening sensation, which
impelled him to phone me. I
hurried home by taxi to find
that he had toppled from his
chair and could scarcely speak .
I called a friend who runs an
ambulance service and soon we
were speeding to Enid General
Hospital where Alphia spent
the next few weeks in critical

* It was a nightmare time.
I slept on a cot beside him at
night and his sister Louise
stayed during the day while I
tried to keep the office open
and do a bit of mimeo work for
our regular customers.

* Slowly Alphia rallied and
began to regain his speech.
Next, he started going to the
hospital physical therapy room
for exercise. Progress was
slow -- much slower than that of
the mounting hospital bill, so
Alphia suggested we attempt to
get him into a Veterans Hospital. Our first thought was the

* (Two weeks later) Louise
and I have just returned from
visiting Alphia. Wish we could
report speedier recovery, but
he is making progress, altho
it's discouragingly slow.

* The best news is that our
magazine will not have to be
discontinued completely, but
part of it will be published
in another form. As Alphia reone in Oklahoma City. Alphia marked last Sunday, "The ABERhas a sister there, and many REE is too big to be felled by
friends who could visit him, one small stroke." In fact, it
was getting"too big" for Alphia. Not the writing nor the
editing, but the mechanics of
it. The strain of making layouts, the camera work, printing, assembly and mailing, put
too much of a load on "Ye Ed".

* So it lifted a heavy weight
from our shoulders when Tom
offered to carry some ABERREE
material in a special section
of his paper and also take over
our obligations in connection
with unexpired subscriptions.

If you are not acquainted with
this fine publication, you have
a treat in store. Because of
our respect and admiration for
Tom O'Neil and what he has been
trying to do with The PSYCHIC

* Our ambulance friend took OBSERVER, Alphia and I are hapto a motel, and he and Lou- py about this association and
ise returned to Enid. I stayed trust Tom will never have cause
in Sulphur a few days, visiting to regret his generosity.
Alphia each afternoon and eve- * Our mailing list has alning until his blood pressure ready gone forward. I hope it
had dropped to a safe level is accurate. If I've inadvertand he could start physical ently omitted a name or given
therapy again, an incorrect address, please
send correction to The PSYCHIC
OBSERVER, Drawer 90, Southern o
Pines, No. Car. a

* Your letters and articles
still will be welcomed by the
Harts, at Box 528, Enid, Okla.,
altho personal reply cannot be
promised unless a stamped, selfaddressed envelope is furnished.
Alphia often said he ought to
discontinue The ABERREE if he
wished to live up to the Sub- W
Sub-Policy, but there does seem
to be a need for some medium P4
of communication which will en
people to exchange ideas W
and arrive at a better understanding pD
of each other. Therefore, we are glad to have an
opportunity to keep the "comm. w
lines" open thru The PSYCHIC ..c
OBSERVER, and I know Alphia is H
eagerly looking forward to the
day when he can return to his
editorial desk and start working with Tom O'Neil. 2

* We made what we assumed
were the proper arrangements ,
leaving matters in the hands
of the doctor, as instructed
by the American Legion representative in Enid. However,
somebody goofed, as we discovered after taking Alphia by
ambulance to Oklahoma City,
only to learn that they would
not accept him there. Rather
than return to Enid, we accepted the alternative of going on
to the State Veterans Hospital
at Sulphur, altho it was 90
miles farther, and Alphia already was exhausted. It w a s
after 10 p. m. by the time he
was settled in bed so we could
leave him.

* Contributors to The ABERREE, who were notified of Alphia's illness, have flooded us
with cheerful cards and encouraging messages. So have
other members of The ABERREE
family who received the news
thru the "grapevine". We are
grateful f o r the many good
thots, prayers, and healing
vibrations offered in Alphia 's
behalf , and wish we could
thank each one personally, but
this expression thru "Hart to
Heart" is the best we can do
at this time.

* On Page 7 will be found a
sampling of the messages which
have been coming in to Alphia
and me. Is it any wonder that
we feel such a deep affection
for every member of this closeknit group, which we like to
refer to as our "family"!