Volume 4, Issue 7, page 13

Sy rgetically
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Every atti
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By ART COULTER taneous, oppo
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 1 -- The ly consequent:
big news from Synergetics this In the beg
month is the Oak Ridge Syner- language, He
getic Workshop, their letters
This will be held at the down from t
Oak Ridge Motel , 200 El z a writing flow(
Drive, Oak Ridge, Tenn. The left. Now, i
dates are November 28 thru De- end, the off
cember 1 -- the Thanksgiving language sets
holiday. The Workshop is being from the line
organized by Paul and Mary Cox, left to rig]
two remarkable individuals. also an actin
Paul and Mary are exper- Hebrew- Ch:
ienced Synergeticists; they once, the sal
know the ropes. They have at- like male and
tended both of the Columbus same and oppo
Workshops, and have played a quences of ea
leading role in the evolution
of the Synergetic community. The Integr
In addition, they are warm, seeing every
intelligent, full of fun and known as seei
good humor. Above all , they iencing the
are understanding -- never los- ness. The Abe:
ing contact with the basic seeing everyt
personality of another, with Integree is q
an intuitive grasp of personal Aberree's a s
problems that makes you instantly know you could trust "It's all
them with anything. They are all:' And onl
two of the best coaches I know, it,
Paul and Mary plan a full
program of group tracking, Heaven and
teamwork, and togetherwork -- make it here
the kind of program that has val says that
produced such remarkable en- relive our ea]
thusiasm and rapport in the and evil in
past. They also plan a sight- respectively.
seeing expedition to Norris good and evil
Dam, the TVA lakes, and the
Atomic Energy museum. All told, The Sanscr
if you are wondering what to is "joining".
do Thanksgiving, you could not is a yoke. i
have a more enjoyable and re- joins two cowl
warding experience than you unity. It's
would at the Oak ridge Syner- sum of everyt
getic Workshop. Write to Paul that summatiol
and Mary cox, 103 Gorgas Lane, or that a yok
Oak Ridge, Tenn., for details. gether and
Operation Stable (nicknamed joining is a s
"Hercules") is beginning to is a yoke of
roll along, now, with inquiries and applications coming in An intenti
steadily. For me, personally,
this is the most thrilling ex- The body
perience of my life. The prob- feeding it, n:
lem of how to produce unaber
rated individuals (ED. NOTE --
This doesn't mean non-subscrib- fellow makes
ers to The ABERREE 1 has been surely it i
licked. We know how to do it, with the esse
even without a coach or tech- man -- the spi
nical knowledge of Synergetics and brotherly
from the individual concerned. that speaks w
This is an event we consider reason.
far more important than the H- We think
bomb or making bigger and bet- we're having
ter missiles before the other kittens drun
It Ala ,'44a4 NaII, s9
on is a two-way ing it, homeless from protects beginning, from ing it, sick from healing it,
ion twists down and afraid from believing it.
he left, and, in