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New 'Pill' Is Discovered to Make Patients Suffer

Experimenters in C02 and other medical crutches for their therapy will be glad to know (if they don't already) that L. Ron Hubbard's "favorite" magazine, TIME, and the psychiatrists are putting under corks more and better assists. In short, your past, your present, and your future soon will be available by prescription -- probably.

One of the latest (TIME, June 18) is lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD 25. This is supposed to permit a patient to re-experience his past without loss of consciousness. The patient giggles, trembles, sweats -- and remembers. Psychiatrists think it has wonderful possibilities.

It must be fun, watching a patient "giggle, tremble, and sweat". Like the electric shock, which is electrocution on a vaudeville basis.

How Scientology Has Grown Is Told By St. Louis Paper

"Nearly every major city in the country has a church of Scientology," the St. Louis Globe-Democrat reported recently in an interview with H. R. Angell, HGA, who was in St. Louis to address the St. Louis Dianetic Society at a meeting in the Forest Park hotel.

The article went on to explain how Scientology was an outgrowth of Dianetics, and that it no longer is a psychotherapy -- "fundamentally, lay or otherwise". After defining Scientology, it compared it to formal religions.

Richard G. Kerlin is chairman of the St. Louis group.

So They're Dead, Hunh?

Who said the old techniques are dead? The last issue of CERTAINTY, published by the HAS-I of London, was made up exclusively of chapters from the "Handbook for Pre-clears".

It didn't even "smell" musty.



For three years, L. Ron Hubbard and other teachers and auditors in the field have said that an E-Meter is practically mandatory in running any type of case -- no matter what technique you use. Now, with a campaign under way to improve the quality of auditing, it becomes more and more important to take the guesswork out of your sessions. You owe, not only to yourself but to your preclear, the certainty that only a genuine Mathison can give you.

If you don't have an E-Meter, here are two specials you can't afford to miss:

A genuine H-53, reconditioned and guaranteed for one year to be the same as new, net, each . . . . . . $49.50. These are machines that have been traded in on later models.

And if this isn't bargain enough for you, here's a super-special: A Mathison Quiz-Meter (for beginners, students, and for experimenta1 processing), each, net . . . $15.00.

Write for descriptions of these and other models to

1214 West 30th Street
Los Angeles 7, Calif.