Plowing Up the Field | Doctors Fail for 12 Years; Auditor wins in Two Hours

third is being neglected ... We hear via our own grapevine (which has nothing to do with Volney Mathison's vineyard) that a recent ruling of the Auditor's Guild was repealed almost before it was adopted. Those who know Scientologists -- and their penchant for traveling and the wearing of slacks and jeans -- will know how difficult it would be to enforce a ruling that auditors must get special permission from the Guild to leave the county in which they're registered, or must wear business suits at all times! It's like putting wheels on a sled that's going to fly across Lake Erie ...

Earl Cunard, although he was a graduate of an early Clinica1 Course, sent his B. Scn. certificate back to Phoenix with the explanation he didn't think himself qualified ... Jack Horner has dropped his affiliation with the Scientology Road Show and is going, or has gone, back to England where he'll try and inject some new life into the London office of the HAS-I .... Ronna Steves is working nights at a restaurant in Balboa Beach, Calif., and plans to take up the study of art at a nearby trade school...Jon Kenworthy is reported to have made a quick two-way trip to Philadelphia, and we've heard two reasons as to why he went: 1, to get his teeth fixed, and 2... It seems Missouri can't keep its hands on Bud Eubanks very long, and he's back in the city that decorates its dried-up lawns with tin saguaros... Elizabeth Gillies of Maitland, Fla., found herself hobbling about on crutches shortly after starting the Seventh Clinical Course. There are those who suspect she was left in a com. lag after a co-auditing session, and then there are those who know Phoenix drivers, who have their own way of making theta clears out of pedestrians.

Ruth Wynne has traded whatever she was wearing for a blond halo -- which attracted so much admiration her husband said he didn't like it... Jeanette Barieau is changing her name -- for professional reasons. In the future, she'll sing under the name of Katie O'Hara, or some such Chinese cognomen. Jeanette was one of the students who became so upset over a lecture by Ron in which he ridiculed the music of Brahms. Since, she's had some processing along these lines, and has thrown her eight years of classical "e-i-e-i-e" into the discard. As Katie, she'll sing something more modern and jazzy.... Carroll and Pearl Hennick are moving into their new Phoenix home in late August. It's a bi-i-g-g house, but they report their new Siamese kitten is getting so "big" under processing -- now "more than 5 feet" -- that they may have to add an addition to hold him/her/it, too...

Doctors Fail for 12 Years; Auditor wins in Two Hours.

After 12 years in hospitals and "treatment" by doctors of an ailment diagnosed as "displacement of the sacroiliac nerve", without aid, relief was obtained in less than two hours of processing under the new techniques, Ernes D. Wirick, Detroit, reports. For the first time in 12 years, the preclear has been able to sleep and has no pain in that area, Ernie adds. He used SOP 8-C, exteriorization by location, and change of space on the location of the original incident in this lifetime.

Wirick, together with Don McCanney and Leo Hoenel, are opening a counselling center at 14009 East Eight Mile Road, Detroit. The center has been accepted for listing in the telephone directory under "Healing Practitioners".

Why They're Called "Doctors"

Since we now live in an age where the first letters of each word in a title become the complete symbol, the word "doctor" could fit this symbolized trend, one who has spent a fortune to keep from being healed maintains. He defines the word thusly:

D -- Degreed
0 -- Oligarchy
C -- Compounding
T -- Tomes
0 -- On
R -- Research